Dreams dictionary: Vision
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To dream that your Vision is blocked shows that you are going to make a mistake in judgment. There is something that you are not seeing plainly.
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To dream that your vision is obstructed indicates that you are about to make an error in judgment. There is something that you are not seeing clearly.
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 2
To see dreams in your fantasy show that your brain is free from any restriction and allowed to meander with no restraints. Such dreams are said to have an alternate vibe. Some of these vision dreams might be portrayed as epic dreams.
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 2
To see visions in your dream indicate that your mind is free from any restraint and free to wander without any inhibitions. Such dreams are said to have a different feel. Some of these vision dreams may be described as epic dreams.
Dreams dictionary: English dream book Zedkielom (Morrison)
The vision of the ghost in a dream foretells the sudden death of someone you have seen in the form of a ghost. If some of the scenery, objects, floating in a dream house in front of you like a fabulous mirage - you are waiting for deep disappointment.