Dreams dictionary: Necklace
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To see or wear a Necklace in your fantasy speaks to unsatisfied yearnings. It additionally highlights your acumen and your yearning to have more impact and control over others. If the jewelry is broken or lost, then it demonstrates that your objective speculation is as per your enthusiastic considering. You have to follow up on your gut impulse about some circumstance or relationship.
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To see or wear a necklace in your dream represents unsatisfied desires. It also highlights your intellect and your desire to have more influence and power over others. If the necklace is broken or lost, then it indicates that your rational thinking is in accordance with your emotional thinking. You need to act on your gut instinct about some situation or relationship.
Dreams dictionary: Miller Dream Interpretation
For a woman to dream of receiving a necklace, omens for her a loving husband and a beautiful home. To lose a necklace, she will early feel the heavy hand of bereavement.
Dreams dictionary: English dream book Zedkielom (Morrison)
A dream in which you see yourself in a beautiful and expensive necklace confidently promises that soon you will win the heart of a very rich man. Pleasant long courtship over a happy marriage. Many lovely children, mostly girls, are the gift of pure and sincere affection.
All of them, as adults, very beautiful girls, will marry the wealthy.
If a woman dreams that she accidentally broke the necklace and it fell apart - it will be painful, or children die young, and she will need in old age in the company of friends and endure adversity.