Dreams dictionary: Lover
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To see a Lover in your fantasy symbolizes acknowledgment, self-esteem, and affirmation of your actual inward esteem. You are coordinating parts of the manly and the ladylike. Therefore, you are feeling finished and whole. Alternatively, your fantasy sweetheart may likewise be somebody who is your optimal. The fantasy could be compensatory for an inadmissible or unfulfilling relationship in your genuine living.
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To see a lover in your dream symbolizes acceptance, self-worth, and acknowledgement of your true inner value. You are integrating aspects of the masculine and the feminine. As a result, you are feeling complete and whole. Alternatively, your dream lover may also be someone who is your ideal. The dream could be compensatory for an unsatisfactory or unfulfilling relationship in your real life.
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 2
To long for an old or previous significant other connotes unfinished/uncertain issues identified with that particular relationship. Maybe, your present relationship is arousing some of those same issues.
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 2
To dream of an old or former lover signifies unfinished/unresolved issues related to that specific relationship. Perhaps, your current relationship is awakening some of those same issues.