Dreams dictionary: Garlic
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To dream that you are eating Garlic means your common sense and sensibility in matters of the heart"
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To dream that you are eating garlic signifies your practicality and sensibility in matters of the heart
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 2
you search for security over love.
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 2
you look for security over love.
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 3
To see a clove of garlic in your fantasy shows insurance against some peril. You will beat your obstructions.
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 3
To see a clove of garlic in your dream indicates protection against some danger. You will overcome your barriers.
Dreams dictionary: Miller Dream Interpretation
To dream of passing through a garlic patch, denotes a rise from penury to prominence and wealth. To a young woman, this denotes that she will marry from a sense of business, and love will not be considered. To eat garlic in your dreams, denotes that you will take a sensible view of life and leave its ideals to take care of themselves.
Dreams dictionary: Culinary Dream Interpretation
eat garlic - for pleasure and relaxation, but it can not like others.