Dreams dictionary: Fishing
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To dream that you are Fishing shows that you are going up against and conveying your stifled feelings to the surface. Specifically, to dream that you are ice angling recommends that you are getting through a solidified enthusiastic boundary and defying troublesome emotions from your subliminal. On the other hand, it speaks to your requirement for recreation and unwinding."
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To dream that you are fishing indicates that you are confronting and bringing your repressed emotions to the surface. In particular, to dream that you are ice fishing suggests that you are breaking through a hardened emotional barrier and confronting difficult feelings from your subconscious. Alternatively, it represents your need for leisure and relaxation.
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 2
Consider the normal expression "angling for compliments". Maybe you are searching for consideration."
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 2
Consider the common phrase "fishing for compliments". Perhaps you are looking for attention.
Dreams dictionary: English dream book Zedkielom (Morrison)
Fish in a dream - a bad sign, presaging a lot of trouble and misery. If you interpret this dream allegorically, then it is possible to see your desire to catch someone on their bait. Beware behave this way. Resist the temptation, pushing you to the path of sin. If you can not catch anything and go fishing with an empty bucket - your business will not be as successful as you dreamed about. But if in a dream you see gleaming in the sun fish on his hook - a dream foretells that you will get rich. Beautiful dream - a fish, flashing at the bottom of the river, which you admire, looking at the clear water!