Dreams dictionary: Drunk
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To dream that you are Drunk proposes that you are acting thoughtless and oblivious. You are losing control of your life and losing a grasp on reality. Maybe you are attempting to escape from a waking circumstance."
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To dream that you are drunk suggests that you are acting careless and insensible. You are losing control of your life and losing a grip on reality. Perhaps you are trying to escape from a waking situation.
Dreams dictionary: Miller Dream Interpretation
This is an unfavorable dream if you are drunk on heavy liquors, indicating profligacy and loss of employment. You will be disgraced by stooping to forgery or theft. If drunk on wine, you will be fortunate in trade and love-making, and will scale exalted heights in literary pursuits. This dream is always the bearer of aesthetic experiences. To see others in a drunken condition, foretells for you, and probably others, unhappy states. Drunkenness in all forms is unreliable as a good dream. All classes are warned by this dream to shift their thoughts into more healthful channels.
Dreams dictionary: English dream book Zedkielom (Morrison)
Unfavorable dream in which you see yourself drunk. It is a sign that you will soon fall into folly. Let the winds, you will lose its good name, to destroy the peace and happiness in the family. If a drunk man had a woman - so her future husband is a man of uncontrolled, unbridled passions, than cause her a lot of grief.