Dreams dictionary: Coma
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To dream that you are in a Coma shows your powerlessness and failure to work in some given circumstance. You are not set up for the real changes that are going on around you. Then again, your fantasy trance like state may reflect what is truly occurrence to your body when you are in the fantasy phase of rest. In this phase of rest, your body stays fixed as though it was incapacitated; ordinarily alluded to as REM loss of motion."
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To dream that you are in a coma indicates your helplessness and inability to function in some given situation. You are not prepared for the major changes that are happening around you. Alternatively, your dream coma state may reflect what is really happening to your body when you are in the dream stage of sleep. In this stage of sleep, your body remains immobile as if it was paralyzed; commonly referred to as REM paralysis.