Dreams dictionary: Birds
Dreams dictionary: Miller Dream Interpretation
It is a favorable dream to see birds of beautiful plumage. A wealthy and happy partner is near if a woman has dreams of this nature. Moulting and songless birds, denotes merciless and inhuman treatment of the outcast and fallen by people of wealth. To see a wounded bird, is fateful of deep sorrow caused by erring offspring. To see flying birds, is a sign of prosperity to the dreamer. All disagreeable environments will vanish before the wave of prospective good. To catch birds, is not at all bad. To hear them speak, is owning ones inability to perform tasks that demand great clearness of perception. To kill than with a gun, is disaster from dearth of harvest.
Dreams dictionary: English dream book Zedkielom (Morrison)
For the rich and wealthy people dream where they see the fluttering birds, will be very unhappy. It is sad changes in their affairs. For the dream of the poor, on the other hand, it means a change for the better, especially if in a dream hear birdsong. If birds in a dream a beautiful plumage, and they are not afraid of you - so you expect promotion. A dream in which the sleeper hears cheerful singing or the chirping of birds, everything bodes well being: some go to a distant country, someone will succeed in the important fact for him. A dead bird does not bode particularly bad, since all the setbacks, finally completed a clear period in your life.