Dreams dictionary: Rubber

Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To see rubber in your dream represents your adaptability and versatility to various situations. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for a condom. Perhaps you dream relates to a sexual issue.
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 2
To dream that you or someone is hit with a rubber object indicates that things literally bounce off of you. You are unaffected by what is going around you or what others are saying about you.
Dreams dictionary: Miller Dream Interpretation
To dream of being clothed in rubber garments, is a sign that you will have honors conferred upon you because of your steady and unchanging stand of purity and morality. If the garments are ragged or torn, you should be cautious in your conduct, as scandal is ready to attack your reputation. To dream of using ``rubber as a slang term, foretells that you will be easy to please in your choice of pleasure and companions. If you find that your limbs will stretch like rubber, it is a sign that illness is threatening you, and you are likely to use deceit in your wooing and business. To dream of rubber goods, denotes that your affairs will be conducted on a secret basis, and your friends will fail to understand your conduct in many instances.