Dreams dictionary: Badger

Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To see a Badger in your fantasy, implies your industriousness and last triumph over your rivals. The fantasy may likewise be a play on words on how you are harassing others or the other way around. Maybe somebody, particularly somebody of force is disturbing you and giving you a troublesome time."
Dreams dictionary: Interpretation 1
To see a badger in your dream, signifies your persistence and final victory over your opponents. The dream may also be a pun on how you are badgering others or vice versa. Perhaps someone, especially someone of power is bothering you and giving you a difficult time.
Dreams dictionary: Miller Dream Interpretation
To dream of a badger, is a sign of luck after battles with hardships.
Dreams dictionary: English dream book Zedkielom (Morrison)
If you had a badger - a favorable sign of a long, happy and prosperous life. Your case will be bringing you a reliable income, and you poputeshestvuete a lot in his lifetime.